Unisba conducted a cooperation visit to the University of Malaya (UM), Malaysia, on Wednesday, 26 February 2026.
The visit was carried out to strengthen the existing cooperation between Unisba and UM as well as update and benchmark on internationalization programs and international rankings where UM is 60th in the QS World University Ranking (WUR), and the University of Malaysia, which ranks first in QS WUR.
Unisba and UM also discussed the potential for further cooperation on long-term activities that benefit both parties.
Unisba and UM will continue cooperating in the fields of joint publications and research, visiting lecturers and professors, and exchange of lecturers and students. The next plan is to hold a joint Student Mobility Programme between Unisba and UM around July – September 2025. The Cooperation Programme has also been carried out for Student Admissions for Masters and PhD at UM.
This activity was attended by UM, namely:
1. Prof. Dr. Andri Andriyana (Director, International Relations Centre (IRC));
2. Prof. Dr. Hazlee Adil Illias (Director, Corporate Ranking Center (CRC));
3. and also other UM teams (Student Mobility, Research Cluster Office, Foreign Student Admissions, and Manager of Partnership).
Unisba delegates who participated in the event were:
1. Dr. Ratna Januarita, SH, LL.M., MH (Vice-Rector for Cooperation, Internationalization, and Public Relations);
2. Siska Nia Irasanti, drg., MM (Head of International Office);
3. Akhmad Yusup, S.Sy., M.Sc. (Section Head of International Academic and Non-Academic Cooperation);
4. Rama Arianto Widagdo, S.T., M.URP (Section Head of Scholarships, Internships and International Mobility).
Strengthening and opening cooperation opportunities between Universitas Islam Bandung (Unisba) and Universiti Malaya (UM), Malaysia, is a commitment that is always pursued so that it becomes the main pillar in increasing joint capacity to maintain the quality of each University in facing Global Challenges.