Alhamdulillah After going through a long process, Allah finally allowed me to participate in and run the international program, namely Ummatic Festival 3.0, until the end; of course, many thanks to the Unisba Office of International Affairs for guiding and accompanying all the processes from preparation, departure, during the program to returning to Indonesia. Even this KUI provides a space for opportunities and acts directly as a parent for us, continuing to accompany and pay attention to us during the ummatic festival 3.0 program held in Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia.
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Sukron NurhadiDelegates of Ummatic Festival 3.0

Living abroad is one thing, but getting accepted as an IISMA awardee to study at the University of Szeged is everything I have ever dreamed of. I see myself communicating and creating bonds with the international communities through classes there. Upon experiencing all of these, I have complied with the steps for IISMA preparations, and KUI Unisba has been a constant in helping me through it. I am very grateful for all the support from KUI Unisba in making it happen.
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Sevanya Rezkia SufiarsahAwardee IISMA Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Szeged

Having the opportunity to become an exchange student even in a short time can open our horizons both academic and non-academic. Participating in exchange students opens up opportunities for us to see everything from a wider lens, learn compromise, and tolerance, and of course explore the country of our dreams.

Fatimah Az-zakiyahAwardee Research Exchange Participant Faculty of Medicine, Manisa Celal Bayar University Turkey

The International Office at Universitas Islam Bandung has truly been instrumental in inspiring and motivating students to pursue educational opportunities beyond their home country. Their tireless efforts and dedication have played a significant role in expanding the horizons of students and fostering a global mindset among the youth students of Universitas Islam Bandung.

Rahmat Lazuardi, S.T., M. Eng.Lecture Faculty Engineering Universitas Islam Bandung, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi Thailand Alumni

Together with the International Office, the international programs of our faculty become more direct, measurable, and documented so that we can gain immediate benefits for UPPS performance. With help from the International Office, our international partner networks became stronger and well-organised. Our gratitude the team at International Office.

Dr. Tasya Aspiranti, S.E., M. SI.Senior Lecturer/Vice Dean of Academic Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Islam Bandung

I have had a great experience working with KUI during my IISMA program. The quality that KUI provide really helpful for me to ensure a seamless study experience without being burdened by financial concerns, credit conversion, or other obligation.

Tiara Chairani Syahputra, S.Ak.Awardee IISMA Faculty of B.A. and Management, University of Szeged Hungary

Establishment of the International Office in Unisba is such a breakthrough for students to become more global and relevant development in this era of disruption. I am optimistic that with the International Office, students can be given qualified guidance so that they are ready to do international mobility. I hope that students of our university can maximize the service provided by the international office, because the huge benefits that can be gained from it.

Asri Pebrianti, S.E., M.S.P.Official Delegation of Republic Indonesia for Future We Want Model United Nations (FWWMU) at New York, USA and Official Delegate of Republic Indonesia UNCTAD Youth Forum Geneva, Switzerland