Student exchange programs are important for students and home universities as they offer various academic, cultural, and institutional benefits. These programs allow students to gain a global perspective, improve language proficiency, and develop valuable cross-cultural communication skills. These experiences enhance personal growth, adaptability, and employability in an increasingly connected world. For the home university, exchange programs strengthen international partnerships, increase the capacity of its academic community, and enhance its global reputation. These collaborations promote diversity, encourage knowledge exchange, and create opportunities for future joint research and development initiatives, ultimately contributing to the university’s academic excellence and global presence.
The Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) is an annual student exchange program initiated by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia to provide valuable opportunities for Indonesian students to develop internationally. In 2024, four Unisba students were selected to participate in this student exchange program for one semester. The four students are (1) Salma Hanifa, a student of the Faculty of Tarbiyah & Teacher Training Unisba who will study at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia; (2) Arini Baasir, a student of the Faculty of Psychology Unisba who will study at the University of Padua, Italy; (3) Nazyra Syafa Pramesti Diadara, Unisba Psychology student who will study at Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania; and (4) Muhammad Yeoh Valent, Faculty of Mathematics & Science student who will study at the University of Szeged, Hungary. These four participants in 2024 are the largest number ever sent by Unisba since the IISMA Program was implemented.
On Friday morning, August 2, 2024, the Rector of Unisba, Prof. Dr. H. Edi Setiadi, S.H., M.H., held a 2024 IISMA Scholarship Recipients Release event, which took place in the Rector’s Meeting Room, Unisba Rectorate Building. On this occasion, the rector gave appreciation to the scholarship recipients in the form of messages and advice, as well as financial assistance. The hope is that this appreciation can help the four awardees from the start of the preparation process to the process of their return from studying abroad for the one-semester they will undergo. The same spirit of support was also felt from the Unisba rectorate. Vice-Rector IV, Dr. Ratna Januarita, S.H., LL.M., M.H., stated, “The IISMA awardee release event is a moment of handing over the flag of trust from Unisba to the awardees to be taken to the campus and destination country, it is hoped that it can be a motivation and enthusiasm for the awardees always to fly the 3M banner (Mujahid, Mujtahid, and Mujaddid) wherever they are. Insha Allah, every step and trace they take will gain various aspects of life experience, academics, culture, and hard/soft skills, all of which strengthen the positive image of Unisba in various destination countries. Wilujeng lifts the awardees. May Allah always grant health and gather all His goodness wherever you are. All the best … allahumma baarik”.
Besides being attended by the Rector of Unisba directly, this event was also attended by the Vice Rector IV of Unisba, Deans and Vice Deans from the Faculty of Tarbiyah & Teacher Training Unisba, Deans and Vice Deans from the Faculty of Psychology Unisba, Deans and Vice Deans from the Faculty of Mathematics & Science Unisba, the Unisba International Office Team, and the Guardians of the four IISMA Scholarship Recipients. On this occasion, several representatives who attended the event gave advice, messages, and advice to the scholarship recipients, which InsyaAllah would be useful for them. One of the scholarship recipients, Arini Baasir, expressed, “happy, excited, but most importantly feeling secured because of the support and messages intended for us, I’m so sure that during the trip there we will continue to be coached, besides that there is also no need to worry because regardless we will definitely get a warm welcome when we return home later.” Once again, congratulations to the 2024 IISMA Scholarship recipients. May you receive the greatest possible benefit and forever become a beacon of Unisba Internationalization!